On Monday 24th June 2019 Olive gave birth to 7 gorgeous black baby Barbet.
She is a wonderful mum to 4 boys and 3 girls and all are happy, healthy and thriving
These curly beans require 24 hour observation at this stage and life is a constant cycle of feeding, weighing and cleaning but luckily Olive provides most of the care at this stage.
It wont be long before things become a lot more hectic / fun as their eyes open and they find their feet ( and voices ) !
Novaforesta New Start sires his first litter.
Charlie is the sire to the first litter of Barbet here at Barbamor and we are incredibly proud to welcome his first puppies into the world.
Charlie was chosen for his outstanding temperament and because he is fully health tested and DNA tested and importantly to us he is wonderful ambassador for the breed.
The 4 x boys and 3 x girls are growing like weeds !
A constant source of joy and amusement as they find their feet in the world
Life is a circle of food, play and sleep and we are ensuring their lives are full of enrichment.
This means lots of toys, experiences and enough stimulation to prepare them for their exciting new lives ahead.
Life is all about experiences at the moment that will help them grow into confident happy dogs
On 2nd May 2023 Olive gave birth to two beautiful girls sired by a wonderful dog in Switzerland that we had admired greatly at the dog shows across Europe ~ Janot de la Colline des Violettes.
He had produced previous puppies that would be just what we wanted to add to our breeding but sadly we wanted to keep a boy from our litter.
Whilst Janot was fully health tested and had a list of titles from his show career it was his sweet nature and kindest of temperaments that drew us to him as a partner for Olive,
We also knew that his breeder and owner would both give us the full support we needed in making this breeding possible and both ladies went on to become great friends and mentors.
Huge thanks to them both
Olive was absolutely born to be a mum and raised her puppies to be sociable, confident Barbets and we will forever be grateful for her contribution to the Barbet in the UK.
At 8 years old she has fully retired from mothering duties and handed on the reins to the younger ladies of the Barbamor crew.
Confident and sassy, these two girls ruled the summer of 2023 before going off to their new homes where they continue to thrive with their dedicated and knowledgeable owners who are proud to share their Barbet experiences