We are exhibitors and breeders of the Barbet in the UK
We live on the coast of North Wales and our dogs are very much part of our family.
They live in the house, come to work with us and share all of our leisure time.
We currently have 5 Barbets ( pronounced Bar-bay ) living with us here - 2 males and 3 females
A lively, rustic gundog , you will always have mud and foliage wherever there is a Barbet !
They are also known as the French Water Dog and are an ancient breed used to help farmers and hunters in the flushing and retrieving of water fowl - hence the dense curly coat that does not moult.
Our dogs are extremely active and take part in a variety of dog sports which finds us up and down the country whenever time allows but are equally happy to curl up on the sofa.
Please email us to arrange a visit or to join us on many of the regular walks we arrange with the Barbet Club GB